Olympus e-10 links

Updated November 15th 2004


NEW! Underwater Housing for E-20 & E-10 cameras

E-20 What does it mean for you..?

Reviews of the e-20 & e-10 Digital SLR from Olympus

Lenses for Olympus e-10 & E-20

Olympus e-10 How To's

Olympus e-10 SLR User Pages & Galleries

Infrared Photography with e-10

Photoshop tools for e-10

Olympus e-10 User Forums

Digital Photography Magasines online

Bo's e-10 Page

Action Photography with the E-10

Olympus Introduces the next "E-10" The E-20P with 5 mega pixels



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e-10 User Pages and Galleries

Visit the E-10 Day site
Pictures from e-10 users across the world, they were all taken on April 21st 2001.
NEW's There is now a MONTHLY challenge shoot on the E-10 site.

Fashion Photography with the E-10
By Eolo Perfido, 29 year old photographer in Rome, very nice work.
More of Eolo's e-10 fashion

Jason Busch E-10 site
Very cool and informative website, with lots of E-10 information. Very useful stuff, check the E-10 survey.

Herry Lang's E-10 digital Gallery
Hollywood Forever Cemetary. More to come soon.

Bart's E-10 Page.
Nice e-10 page with gallery of pictures, instructions for how to make a battery pack... AND if you don't want to mess with it he will even sell you one. Check it out.

Jason Busch's E-10 page

e-10.org user gallery

A very fine gallery with images from lots of very good photographers.

Dave Weikel's Olympus e-10 digital SLR page
Lots of information about the e-10 digital camera, and sample pictures, Outstanding sample images, and great pictures of the camera and accessories.

Warren Carrington's E-10 pictures

Focus Problems..?
Some very few e-10 owners have reported problems with the focus, here are David Weikel's expereince, how he tested the camera and the solution, sending the camera back to Olympus. He still love his e-10.

NO Pre Flash - Put FL-40 in Automatic mode.
Aother of David Weikel's gems, a easy little work around to get your FL-40 to work as a regular automatic flash, without the preflash.

Belgium Digital
Cool site covering several cameras, created by a bunch of dedicated hobbyists, who love digital photography, wanting to show what is possible with Digital cameras. You will find some cool, digital images here, including some freeze motion images of falling water drops. Cool Stuff.

Picture from the Royal Palas in Morocco Bob Lavelles Photo Gallery
Cool images from a November trip to Morocco, beautiful colors and shapes... Bob claims that there is not much he have not been called, and that he would like to hear what you think, call him whatever you like. I for one am pretty impressed. Enjoy.

Johan Printz e-10 sample images
BEAUTIFUL pictures from Sweden, if you are wondering how the e-10 does with smooth graduations... This is the site to check out, Johan have a bunch of nice well made images which really make the e-10 shine, one of those things where you wonder it really is the camera or if the photographer might have something to do with it. (Smile)

e-10 "on the inside" pages
Very interesting images of the e-10 taken apart. Don't try this at home boys and girls. This IS what your new camera looks like on the inside. Also a cool setup for using you e-10 to scan slides. Images by Gallo Laszlo. Note that this page also is available in Hungarian.

John Anderson's e-10 picture gallery


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Infrared Photography with the e-10

IR Images taken with the Olympus E-10
A couble of images I captured using a Hoya R72 filter in Griffith Park, California.

Jeff's REAL Infrared Images
This is not "Near Visible Light" but true thermal imaging, hold onto your hat and glasses for this one. I love the image of the foot prints on the floor.

Beyond Red Main Page
If you are at all interested in IR photography this is a very cool site, both the helpful comparison of filters and explanations of the photo process. I spend a unreasonable amount of time enjoying the gallery, this is truly beautiful photography, worth bookmarking just for the pictures.
Infrared Filter Comparison

Infrared Photography with DigiCams by IR Andrzej Wrotniak

This is a MUST SEE page, I totally love IR photography, and Andre have not only written everything you need to know, but also illustrated it with some top noch pictures.

Wana get really seriously TECHNICAL....?
Clif Warren's infrared Photography pages, But dont't blame me, I told you it was technical up front! This is probably way more than you ever wanted to know about IR photography... But you will feel really smart when done.


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Photoshop Tools and How To's for the e-10

Photoshop actions for reducing noise

Thumbnail Generator for RAW files
Henrik Lynge from Denmark just finished writing a cool thumbnail generator for evaluating images when photographing using the RAW format. Click on Software

Olympus RAW file format converters

Olympus Photoshop Plugin RAW Converter. Instructions for the Olympus PlugIn in a PDF file.
Paul Dempsey's ORF Converter, this is a very fine and fast tool. Judged by most users to be superior to Olympus original version.
Paul's website with the latest on his ORF plugin, and his cool E-10 pictures.

Qimage will print raw files directly. But more that that.. It is a great Print app, if you need to make packages, print multible images to a page, or any other printing.

SUPER SAMPLER - Image Noise Remover.
This Canadian software removes noise from the image by the same process I describe on my Anti Noise Page, only this one is automated. Check it out.

Photographing Handheld Panoramas
Instructions for sucessful panorama photography without using a pano bracket and tripod.

Depth of Field,
Andrzej Wrotniak have been at it again and have calculated some very helpful DOF tables for Olympus e-10 Digital SLR.

Understanding the Histogram
A primer on getting great exposures using the histogram on digital cameras.

Remove Noise from Studio images
Simple process to effectively remove noise from studio images photographed with the Olympus e-10 digital SLR,

e-10 noise.. What is it and How Much is it...?
Andrzej Wrotniak made a rather sientific analysis of this problem, the result, "noise in the e-10 is less than from a roll of 100asa film". If you are at all concerned about noise, this is hard facts worth checking out.

Dealing with noice
Joseph Hall's Photoshop 5 tutorial, this is a great fix for taking care of noice in otherwise smooth blue skies and other smooth surfaces. Great Tutorial, even though Joseph have not upgraded to that "silly" version 6. This is a must read page.

Exposure tools for Photoshop.

Dennis Curtin's Pocket Guide to the e-10


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E-10 & E-20 Users and Forums

The Official Olympus of America e-10 Digital SLR Forum
This is the place to go and ask questions, there is a bunch of cool people visiting every day, who can and will answer almost any question you can think up.

DP Review.com Olympus e-10 forum
Java based online forum, it is also worth checking out all the information on the Digital Photography Review site in general.

E-10 & E-20 Live Chat
Everyday at about 6pm Pacific Time, 9pm Eastern Time E-10 and E-20 users get together online for a little chat, come and join us, also the European Chat starts at 9pm (21:00) UK time.

Steves Digital Camera Page LogoSteve's DigiCam Site and forums
Cool online forums about Digital Cameras, Reviews of about everything. You need to register before you can use the forums.

Stefan Hendricks German e-10 site
Stefan have done a "kick ass" job and have knocked this site out in both German and English, the link takes you directly to the English version.

e-10 Pro site
This site have a cool message board.

Robert Schultz Camera Bag
A look at what Robert stuffs in his bag when he goes to photograph a concert.


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Lenses for the E-10 and E-20

Ultra Wide - The infamous "Crystal Vision" XTAL lens
C laimed to give 180deg FOV, well, Lance Hankins tested it and found it compares to a 21mm on a 35mm camera (App 85 deg fov) But he also found that it might still be worth the money. Read on..
The lens can be found at 47th Street Photo in New York, but also often on eBay.

If you are serious about wide angle you need to visit Century Optics for one of their two wide lenses which will work with your E camera. The one is the very compact 0.55x and the other is the 0.3x fisheye. both are available with a 58mm lens tread, you will need to purchase a 62mm to 58mm stepdown ring, leave it permanently on the fisheye lens. The E cameras do not close focus quite enough,, but there is a work around, set the lens to macro and put a closeup diopter between the lens and the wide-angle lens. These lenses are rated "Good Stuff", but you are looking at paying $325 for the 0.55x and about $800 for the 0.3x.

Lenshood for the TCON 14B - found by jrdii.
The Contax #5 86mm Metal Lens Hood Contax P/N E0092805
You can order this for $29.95 from B&H using their P/N 928059
Fits the TCON-14B perfectly 60mm long, screws right in, no vignetting, accepts the TCON lens cap. Looks great and matches the paint on the lens.

Pictures and information about the 300TCON tele
Dave Weikel's page offers GREAT pictures and indepth information about the huge tele lens available for the e-10 and e-20 cameras.

NEW! Underwater Housing for E-20 & E-10 cameras
YES... Lots of people have waited for this.. A underwater housing BUILD for our Olympus E-10 or E-20 cameras, with FULL control of the camera, and even exchangable lenses with twist mount to the front of the housing. (Personal I would love to see some of those with a adaptor to twist on my regular E-20)

Just started on the lens links today, check back in a day or two and I will have links to all the Olympus lenses.


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Reviews of the e-10 & e-20 Digital SLR

E-20 review by Imaging Resource 11-28-2001
Very nice and in depth, with lots of sample images, including resolution charts which shows you how sharp the E-20 really is.

Steves Digicam E-20 Olympus Digital SLR review. 10-15-2001
Steves Digicam have a great review of the E-20, very detailed and in depth, nicely done.
E-20 What does it mean for you..?

DPREVIEW review of Olympus E-20 digital SLR 10-28-2001
Phil Askey from dpreview have now also reviewed the new Olympus E-20.

Japanese E-20 Review Yep, this requires you to understand Japanese.

CF-Cards for the E-10
List of cards which works with the E-10, take a moment and check here before spending money on a CF-Card, it may save you some headache.

MegaPixel review of the e-10
MegaPixel is a online digital camera magazine, very nicely done. Select "reviews" and Olympus e-10 from the drop down menu to see the nice review.

Robgalbraith.com e-10 review Photojournalist, picture editor and location lighting guru Jon Falk on Olympus' digital SLR

Digital Outback Photo
review of the Olympus e-10, Read and judge for your self, but I think they like it...

Technical review of the e-10 by Andrzej Wrotniak
This page have GREAT in depth detail of the e-10, a real find for your guys who just must know all the little details. It is worth nothing that Andrezej also have a GREAT page on IR photography with the e-10, you MUST check that page, if nothing else, do it for the outstanding photography.

Digital Camera Resource e-10 Digital SLR Review
On the Digital Camera Resource Page. The reviewer liked the camera enough to buy one... I can not think of a better endorsement.

Steves Digicam e-10 review In depth review of the e-10 along with a cool QTVR movie showing all the moving parts. Great site with reviews of all current cameras, they even offer PDF downloads of the reviews for easy printing.

The Imaging Resource e-10 digital SLR Review
This must be about the "ultimate review" lots of data and information, if you are really wanting to know about the e-10 before you get your hands on one... This is the review to read.

DP Review e-10 Digital SLR review
The official review on the DP Review site, enjoy.

DPReview Forum Posting.
Seriously fellas, this guy love his camera, and I have to say that I am right there with him.

How does Digital Cameras Work...?
Thom Hogan does a great job at explaining how digital cameras works. This site is not E-10 or Camedia specific, but useful for understanding our cameras.

Online Digital Photography Magasines.

Digital Outback Photography
Outdoor photography magasine for Digital photographers, great pictures and articles.

MegaPixel Photo Magasine.
Very cool and well done online photo publication, Monthly issues.



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