Canon A series & Spherical Fisheyes

Over the last 3 years several people have approched me about a spherical bracket for the Canon A series, so far I have made a few of them and the users have been very happy with the bracket. Like my other brackets it does not include a rotator but is designed to be put directly on top of your tripod. The bracket have two rotation points, one for the build in lens and one for use with a Raynox DCR-5000 fisheye lens..
See Video about how to use this bracket

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Spherical Panorama brackets avialable for these popular lenses.

- SIGMA 8mm

- Nikon 10.5mm
- Nikon FC-E8
- Nikon FC-E9

- RAYNOX 180pro
- RAYNOX 185pro










Grip for Canon Pro1 Camera

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