Of all family portraiture, the Wedding day is by far the most prestigious. The entire family is assembled together in one place, from the grandparents to the youngest grandchildren. All of them important members of the family. With this in mind, wedding photographs becomes treasured heirlooms, kept in families for generations. No wonder brides take great care selecting their photographer.

You only get married once, so don't take chances with your wedding photographs. Photography is my art, however as a full-time professional photographer, I offer you great reliability, photographing every day for a living, not just "now and then" on the weekends. I have the experience to capture great images on your wedding day.

Bride with flowers - digitally photographed by experienced wedding photographer Bo Lorentzen - picture is of Kimberly with beautiful backlight in the hair
Wedding portrait of Angies husband - digital or traditional film based wedding photography - Wedding photographed at the Mission Inn in Riverside, Color Photography  by Bo Lorentzen

While I love photographing delightful casual and "semi" casual; images from your wedding, I also find that the formals are just as important, and deserves great attention. After all, many of the "official" formal images will become the pictures family images hang on the wall to show the entire family.
Thacher Manor wedding location with couble posed in front for their official formal wedding portrait, this was a favorite image with the family - digital and traditional wedding film based wedding photography for every 20 years by Danish photographer Bo Lorentzen
hacher Manor wedding location with couble posed in front for their official formal wedding portrait, this was a favorite image with the family - digital and traditional wedding film based wedding photography for every 20 years by Danish photographer Bo Lorentzen The wedding cake, I find this to be just as important a wedding picture as the more traditional wedding images, after all, the bride have put a large amount of time and money into finding the perfect wedding cake, it deserves to me photographed carefully - digital and traditional wedding film based wedding photography for every 20 years by Danish European photographer Bo Lorentzen.


The people, the children, the flowers, the excitement, family, future and your family's history. There is no more exciting rite of passage in the modern culture than the wedding day... Make sure you get great photographs.

For more information about my availability, packages, and to review my portfolio. Please send me a e-mail or call me at (562) 673-1075

Sincerely Bo Lorentzen

- Portfolio -

- Wedding Package -

ONLY one wedding on any given day, no rushing out in the middle of your reception.

I am happy to photograph all the pictures you want. No limit on exposures.

I ALWAYS bring two professional cameras. Ready to GO..!

No time limits. (Well all-right, be reasonable, I do need sleep at some point.)

Pictures available online next day for all your friends and family to enjoy.

Don't gamble with your wedding pictures.

Wedding candids are important wedding pictures, the capture the mood of the day and then little things the bride expereince through the day and the wedding, this pictures was photograhed at a wedding at the Mission Inn in Riverside

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