Olympus e-10 Camera & Battery

Updated Mar. 11 2001

Click and drag on the camera to spin it around
* You must have QTVR installed for this to work.

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You are looking at a must have accessory for the e-10 DigiCam, the battery grip adds a lot of "heft" to the camera and makes it wonderfully comfortable in the hand, I am used to shooting Nikon F4s and positively love the feel of the Olympus e-10 with the battery grip, it adds nicely to the height of the grip making it a perfect fit for my large hands. (Smile) Only problem may be the placement of the shutter release on the vertical grip, it is a little low, and I would by far have preferred if Olympus would have put it on the shoulder of the camera instead of bringing it down.

The battery is a lithium Polymer battery. Lots of power, I have been using it all day shooting several hundred files with the monitor on permanently, and still find that I have over 50% left by the end of the day. I thought that I would need to pick up a few of the exchangeable batteries like one does with the D1, but I have found the e-10 battery to be a all day performer.

The battery lock in place in the handle with a twist lock. It is removed from the grip by unlocking and pulling on the end cap, there is a red button in the end cab which is pushed to release the battery from the cap before charging. The charger displays a green light when the charging is finished.

Woah, I did a little "field research" and realized that a deep frozen battery back responds the same way any other battery would when frozen. Saturday I was in the mountains, enjoying the deep snow, Suddenly I got a battery low warning after only about 100 pictures. Thanksfully I got the batterylevel back to 60% after heating the battery inside my coat for 10 minutes. After that I removed tha battery and put it in the inner pocket when not using the camera for a extended period of time. Since I used to live in Norway, I am well familiar with this process, but was thinking that the battery miracusly would not be affected by the cold. Guess I was wrong. Keep you battery warm, if you work long hours outside in cold climates, you may want to think about getting a second battery ($ 250) and keep it inside the coat, then swap the batteries now and then to keep them both working durring a long day.

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