BoPhoto Travle Brackets


What is in the box?

What tread size is the bracket?

Is the Manfrotto rotator included?

Do I need a rotator to use the bracket?

How do I best stitch images?

Can I use this with 2 or 3 spheres?

What stitching software works best?

Can I mount the bracket directly to a tripod head?


What is in the box?

The bracket comes in a small box for shipping to you, in this box contain the wood parts of the bracket and a screw to assemble them.

What tread size is the bracket?

The bracket have a "professional" tripod tread, this is the thick 3/8th tread version used several places, you can mount the bracket directly to the center collum of most tripods, or you can use a adaptor from 1/4th inch tread to 3/8th tread, this is sold in most photostores, I recomend using one of the tall "stud" style ones, which have a tread in the bottom and a screw on the top, this will help you bring the camera away from the size of your tripod head.

Is the Manfrotto rotator included?

No. the manfrotto rotator is not included, you can purchase it at most photo stores, or you can use a similar product.
Manfrotto product # 259B - Bogen code (USA only): 3007X
Cost is about $20 at places like Samy's in LA and B&H Photo.

Samy's Catalog

Just to be very clear. The Manfrotto extention pipe is NOT a rotator, its two pipes in each other, which rotates and locks nicely, since I like to photograph 3 spheres I have been using this for rotating my bracket.

Do I need a rotator to use the bracket?

No, you can use the bracket by mounting it on either your tripod head, or directly on the center collum of your tripod, the bracket also work on a monopod. - BUT please note, there is a protruding screw on the backside/underside, about 2 inches from the mounting tread, you can NOT mount the bracket directly on top of a tripod, no matter what you do there must be a spacer to lift the bracket off the tripod.

How do I best stitch images?

PTgui is a highly recomended software, it is very quick to use and deliver great stitches, cost is about $60. I rate PTgui as a great investment. click here for PTgui website.

Can I use this with 2 or 3 spheres?

YES, positively, just remember this bracket do not have a traditional indexing rotator. so I recomend 3 spheres simply because it is easier to stitch.. (Well also because shooting 3 spheres generally produce higher quality panoramas.)

What stitching software works best?

I don't like that question.. (smile) There are so many great stitching softwares out there... but personally I use PTgui, I were using 3D-Vista which is very easy to use and if you are into real-estate it might be the ticket for you, but I find that PT-gui deliver better stitches, but at a cost of more work. which is why I say that if speed is the goal and you can live with a few errors 3D-vista might be the ticket.

PT-gui GREAT stitcher but a bit slow use and harder to learn.

GREAT Tutorial for making Spherical Panos with PT-gui

3D-vista easy fast stitcher.

Can I mount the bracket directly on a tripod head?

Wood Bracket = NO
The wood bracket have a wingnut about 2 inches away from the mounting tread on the underside. it is made to be used with a extention tube or another form of spacer. If you must mount the bracket flat on the tripod head, please to not order this product.



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