Sanyo Xacti HD1 720P HD Video samples

This is samples shot under varying conditions, some are underexposed and all are done pretty loosely, but now and then the light and exposure settings come together and you can truely see what the camera can do if there is a guy behind it who is actually paying attention.

Visit DVinfo for a great forum about the HD1


Thai Kickboxing - handheld anti shake iso200 90meg! View Streaming QTVR

Landscape Senic on Tripod - iso50


Window light - iso50

Pan in restaurant - iso400

Driving at night - iso200

Raindrops - iso50
  My first accessories for the HD1

includes a lenshood and a tripod adaptor which makes it possible to tripod mount the camera while its it connected to the power and video out adaptor.

- All images and video copyright 2006 Bo Lorentzen - All rights reserved -