Sanyo Xacti HD1 720P HD - Tips & Links


Almost everything I know about the Sanyo HD1 was learned on DVinfo

Some of my Video clips can be found here

On my laptop VLC Media Player have been the best playback solution with no stutter or dropped frames, Download here

Getting more advanced, you can down FFDSHOW codex for increasing the quality of the image, by reducing the sat in the colors and bringing out a bit more details. Download here

It was not imidiately logical to me how to edit this video, however there is two tools which helps.
MP4cam2AVI which will create a AVI file from your Sanyo HD1 files. Download here
Secondly is a pretty cool little application by Steven Mingam, called MP42AVIEdit which does the same thing, but can recompress. Download here - to use MP42AVIEdit you will need the HuffYUV VFW codex

Simple Add on mic for the HD1 can be mounted with a 90 deg cell jack to regular minjack. My personal experience suggest NOT purchasing this product from the manufacture Sound Professionals, but instead using another dealer.

Favorite accessory - Warm-Balance cards - though Im also a firm beliver in using the white side of a standard Kodak Grey card. I always have one in my camera bag, and like to glue a kodak grey scale on the edge of the grey side for easy color profiling using curves in photoshop.

Bo's Wishlist

35mm camera lens adaptor for video, the Letus Flip enhanced

Underwater Housings - sadly they do not yet make one for the HD1

Bella Catapult for recording video out directly to your iPod or USB harddrive

- All images and video copyright 2006 Bo Lorentzen - All rights reserved -