Panasonic AG-HSC1UP
and the HDC-SD1
Cool little
HD pocket cam using AVCHD compression recorded directly to a SD card.
This thing is small, almost identical to a pop can. its a go anywhere
camera, if you can manage to bring a can of soda you can bring this
Almost everything
I know about the Panasonic HDC-SD-1 was learned on Pana3CCD
user AVCHD forum
Some of my Sample
Video clips can be found on Vimeo
Video thoughts
The video is surprisingly good, with a rather pleasing look and dynamic
The camera used 3CCD's which is offset slightly so that the camera can
interpolate a higher resolution.
Chips are 1/4 inch each which is somewhat larger that many other mini
cameras, the result is a bit more blur in out of focus areas which is
very pleasing to the image, (I may notice this more because I tend to
compare to my old Sanyo Xacti HD1 which tended to keep everything is
sharp focus no matter what.)
Short of a Sony Playstation - nothing I have tried will "play"
the clips straight out of the camera. Naturaly you can plug the camera
into a TV and play from the camera. This does not bother me since I
generally like to edit stuff anyway.
Sony Vegas Premium are able to play back the original clips from
the camera with no need to converting to any other format, on my laptop
2.2 gh with 4 gig ram Vegas render the output at about 1 minute render
time per 10 second of playing time.
HDC-SD1 vs
These seems to be identical, the AG model being part of Panasonic's
pro line, most importantly it possible have slightly better color, secondly
the AG model comes in a dull grey paint job instead of the more flashy
paintjob on the SD1. Also the AG ships with the 40gig battery powered
HDD for dumping your video on the run.
No Moving
One of the cool parts of shooting to Solid State memory means no tape
drive and mechanismes, however it turns out there is still a fan left
keeping everything cool.
drive VW-PT2
Just started my day with a little "too cool" moment. I realized
that the cable output on the battery charge was the same as the charger
for the supplied harddrive, So I tested the plug in the drive and then
powered it up... sure enough, the drive is charging.
Conclusion. one less
charger to travle with, you can get away with bringing just the Camera
charger and the camera power cable which will also charge the drive.